Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Race Day!

Alright so, this final post is much delayed... say two weeks.

Monday, October 8th I ran and completed my first 10K after only three weeks of training.  I think I said before I've cheered at 3 or 4 different Tufts 10K's, but actually racing was a whole different feeling - similar to my first 5K - a little jittery, probably quieter than normal.  The weather was beautiful though!  Last year it was like 90*F, no joke.  So, I am so thankful that the weather cooperated. 

Two of my closest friends had mentioned that they'd like to run with me, but I wasn't so sure if this was a good idea.  I generally like to run alone with my ipod, without the feeling of slowing someone else down - because I am the slowest runner ever.  As the announcers started calling the 7,000 ladies (and like 10 guys) to line up I kind of started freaking out.  I said something like, "Welllll, if you guys want to run with me, that would probably be ok.  Actually, it's a good idea."  The first two miles I think we did like 10:30's which is faster than I've been training during my longer  runs.  At one point I like looked back and there was what seemed like a million people behind, so that fear of being the last one diminished pretty quickly.  My goal for this race was to at least make it to mile 4 without walking, so we slowed down a little bit.  I think we got to 4.5 miles before I just need to walk a minute.  Along the way we saw some buddies screaming, clapping and ringing the cowbell (always a nice boost).  At the end of the race (a rare case with this many runners) the MC announced my name at the finish thanks to my running buddies' screaming/pointing/jumping-up-and-down antics :) - so that was pretty cool.  Thanks ladies!   

We finished with an 11 minute pace for an hour and 8 minutes.  I figured it would take me an hour, ten minutes and was pretty happy with the time.  Then in the food/water line I got rammed in leg by a freeloader's cart - almost took her cart from her!  

No injuries though, success!  Knees felt good, feet felt good.  Lunch and a brew sounded better.

The next time (if there is one, *wink)  something 5 weeks training would probably make more sense.  None-the-less it can be done in three weeks.  

Monday, October 1, 2012

Tempos and Lyrics

Friday's yoga class gave me a good core workout.  We had a different instructor who emphasized different poses, so it was a good change-up.

Over a brew, I was talking to my fitness guru about what my Saturday run would be.  She talked me into doing a tempo-run - run 2:30 minutes at about an 8 on a 10 point hurt-meter, then walk 1 minute.  She said to do this 10 times.  Sounds good to me. 

In the morning, I set out and felt awesome!  I think it's annoying to do a timed run with traffic lights and such (would usually do this on the treadmill), so I didn't try to keep on a set map and just went with the traffic lights.  If there was a no-walk sign I just turned right or left - whichever was easier.  The first two rounds of tempos were great.  By the fifth one I decided it was time to circle back home, and I ended up doing eight rounds.  Later I talked to the guru and she told me that she over-shot the workout anyway thinking I would do 6 to 8 on my own.  Racing against yourself multiple times does get old.

Other than that, Saturday's run was pretty normal.  I just ran and walked.  I don't remember what music played on shuffle.  I didn't almost step on a dead rat (that happened last Monday - the thing looked like it just keeled over right there on the riverwalk and I almost crushed it, gag).  Best of all though, my feet did not get torn up.

I spent Sunday canning a small batch of applesauce (of which I accidently doubled the Cloves), made some pasta and watched football.  Good rest day. 

Today, the last Monday before race day, I ran 5.4 miles.  It took for.ev.ver. (Sandlot, anyone?)  I couldn't motivate myself to do this in the morning, so I started work early then ducked out in the afternoon.  I went out over the Longfellow into the city, up to Gov't Center, then Park St., around the Common, down Beacon, then back over Mass Ave.  I remember two songs specifically today.  "Suddenly, Everything has Changed" by The Flaming Lips where I found my self singing these word in my head, "Suddenly, everything has changed.  The other day I woke-up, thouggghhht I'd be a ruuuunnner today."  Somewhere around the Common (nearer Arlington T-stop) I started getting bored, dodging people was getting old.  I had an estimated 20 minutes left... Beacon was nice though - just a long, flat, straight stretch of sidewalk.  Trees turning, brown-stone everywhere you look.  Nearing Mass Ave "Back In Black" by AC/DC helped push me over the bridge back into Cambridge.

So far, I got out of this one without pain inspired hobbling.  Although, if I do a deep knee bend my patellas might shoot someone's eye out.